Saturday, December 3, 2011

Saturday Morning Ping Pong

It's been a hectic week. The week before finals usually is, I guess. I had an 8 page essay due on the evolution of independence in the America colonies, then a 3 page paper on the differences between Aristophanes' and Plato's accounts of Socrates. And my calculus professor thought it best to give us a massive problem set due during reading period. But I took care of all of that, and now I have a few days to relax. Or so it would seem. That 10 page humanities paper won't write itself...

I thought I would celebrate the occasion with some time in the rec room at the ping pong table. It turns out that I ended up joining a ping pong tournament. I certainly didn't win, but it was a lot if fun hanging out with other stressed out people for a while. No studying, no school, just good old-fashioned ping pong.

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