It's about 2 in the morning and I'm nearing my bedtime, so I figure now is as good a time as any to report on the day. Waking up at 6 was brutal after waking up at 10 and 11 for most of the break so far. My 11:00 nap was much needed, and I turned it into 40 minutes so I wouldn't suffer too much. That may have caused me to miss my next two naps (I tried to sleep but failed for 40 minutes each), but it was the boost I needed. Basically, this was a day in which homework kept me up late. Not too bad, but pretty uncomfortable nonetheless.
Alertness: Pretty good. I was in not-so-great shape up until my first nap, but after that it turned into a normal day. I don't think I missed anything important...
Memory: Decent. Thinking was kind of a strain, and the slight sleep deprivation headache I have doesn't help, so my memory was noticeably weaker than yesterday. Still, though, nothing a late night of homework won't do.
Initiative: Very low for most of the day, but very high right now. Despite being very tired and looking forward to my 3 hours of sleep, I am currently trying to schedule a get-together with old high school friends and am planning dinner for tonight (that'll be a fun evening). Stayed indoors, but that isn't very different from how I've been all break.
Sociability: Very low. Maybe due to the fact that my mom is the only person around to talk to, and talking to her can be problematic. We just don't see eye-to-eye on anything. My companion for the day was the intro computer science class on iTunes U.
First day is done, and I'm not feeling too bad. I'll go get something to drink here soon. I always forget to drink when I'm around the house, and dehydration can be an issue with little sleep.
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