So I have now been doing this sleep schedule for a week and I have things to report. First off, I'll enter in the data from the previous few days. I was at my grandma's and didn't have access to the internet for a little bit there.
Day 4
Alertness: Pretty great, actually. Went and saw quite a few friends and hung out with them and their families for a while.
Memory: Decent. It was there, just not the best.
Initiative: Not bad. I got some stuff done, and I got to hang out with people. I've decided that being social is the easiest way to stay awake. And that's why it's so hard to get up at 6 in college: no one else is up.
Sociability: Very high. I saw people pretty much all day and I loved it. I even saw people I didn't know and still had fun.
Day 5
Alertness: Bad. But I was well aware that I was not doing so well. Overslept in the morning slightly (not by much, maybe 20 minutes) and my naps were a little long each (closer to 30 minutes) but I really needed them. Zombie mode: activated.
Memory: Decent. I got in a blindfolded cube solve today, but otherwise I didn't really strain the memory.
Initiative: Eh...I was lazy today. Just stayed around the house. I learned some stuff, though, so it wasn't bad.
Sociability: Not high. I avoided contact for the most part because I felt so gross.
Day 6
Merry Christmas! I don't want to go into what I got for presents, but being with grandma and the cousins was really nice. I missed Thanksgiving because I stayed in Chicago, so I finally got to see them. And I can always use the chocolate.
Alertness: Pretty high. Again, social situations seem to make me more alert. It's just the issue of getting yourself into social situations.
Memory: Great. I could remember a lot of things, though unfortunately I can't remember what I remembered. Though it is very close to bedtime right now and I need to crash. I just completed a blindfolded cube solve, so that's good news.
Initiative: Very, very low. I really didn't take the initiative with anything. I'm still in zombie mode, just now it's social zombie mode. I was very willing to do things, it's just you had to tell me to do them.
Sociability: Very high. I like being around family, especially during the holiday season.
Day 7
Today I got to see a house getting built into the side of a hill. Well, the house was already there, but they were renovating it and we got the full tour! Seeing as my dream house is Bag End from The Lord of the Rings, learning how to build into hills seems like essential information. Anyways, on to the report!
Alertness: Difficult to say. In the morning I have found that I'm typically in really bad shape, but then by nighttime I'm in great shape. That repeated again today. Though it seems that zombie mode is gone. Am I over the hump? Did I adjust?
Memory: Not that good. Struggled for a while to get some things out.
Initiative: Decent. It's the holidays. I shouldn't have to do anything.
Sociability: Pretty good. Talking and laughing with people is always good.
Day 8
Unlike all my other entries, this one was not written right before my core nap. As explained below, I had to make up for a lot of missed sleep today and decided to just wake up when my body wanted to wake up. It's about 8 in the morning right now as I write this.
Alertness: Great. I missed 2 out of 3 naps, which is not good. In the end, I decided that to stay sane I had to take back-to-back naps. My mom convinced me to just sleep in hibernation style and just see when I woke up. Well, that's what I did. And boy did it feel good! Most of the day I was pretty alert, though.
Memory: Great. I was able to play board games with friends at a pretty high level.
Initiative: Not bad, but not good either. I didn't really want to plan anything, but ended up doing so.
Sociability: Pretty high. I was having fun with people for quite a while. My friend and I went to making bad food for a little bit. I'll get the video up sometime before New Years on our blog (yes, I shamelessly promote myself). The brie tea was really bad...
I'm a little bit worried now, though. I slept for about 6 hours last night before waking up. Without any motivation to cut my time to the 3 hour core (seeing as I had just broken that rule) I just stayed in bed and fell asleep again eventually. That's not good. On the other hand, I feel great right now. I heard some people saying that maybe once per week polyphasic sleepers should just fall asleep and wake up whenever. I'm not sure that's the best option when I'm still adjusting, but it sure did feel good today.
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