Friday, December 23, 2011

Polyphasic Sleep - Day 2

So I overslept slightly this morning and may have taken an extra nap during the day. But as a result, I feel great right now. Really great. All of my naps were extremely productive and always came right when I needed them. I almost skipped my evening nap to make up for the sleep earlier in the day, but I ended up taking it and it was the best 10 minutes of my life. I love the feeling of being asleep, but I hate waking up and I hate spending time asleep. But boy did that feel good.

Alertness: This morning it was very bad. But by the time I was playing board games in the afternoon I was up and running. Today felt like a very productive day. I played a few board games and feel I did as well as I normally would.

Memory: Good. Right before my naps I had rather foggy thoughts, but at all other times I was both alert and capable of remembering things. I managed a blindfolded Rubik's cube solve, so things are working well in the memory department. I learned how to play Agricola today (pretty good game, I might add) and didn't have problems remembering the rules.

Initiative: Much higher than it's been all break. I got together with my friend Cole and then had his family over for dinner (yes, he and his family had to deal with a 20 minute nap in there). I'm getting things together tomorrow and maybe even Saturday. Maybe I'm a little too ambitious, but that goes to show how good I feel about today.

Sociability: Pretty good. There were moments when I really didn't want to talk and the sleep deprivation headache (though not bad at all) kept me from being as friendly as I could have been at times. But for the most part I had no issues and even wanted to be around people.

I figure I should note that I will not be editing these entries at all. What goes in, stays in, typos and all. I figure if I can't type correctly, you would want to know. I hope it doesn't come to that...

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