Monday, November 28, 2011

Sick Monday Morning (Student)

So it's the Monday before finals and I'm sick. It's going to be a great week…

I've had to skip classes today because I have a nasty cough and some gross sniffles. I don't know if I'm contagious or not, but due to a self-imposed quarantine I don't think I will be infecting anyone. While being sick sucks quite a bit, especially in college (nobody to make soup for you), it might actually be a good thing.

I have quite a bit of homework due at the end of this week, and in my 2 hours awake I have just pounded on it. It's a great feeling to get work done ahead of time, and I'm doing a speedy job at it right now. Such a great job that I felt I had to write it down somewhere. I plan on wasting some time now trying to find funny things online, mostly because I'm a little sad from being cooped up in my room all this time (though happy at the same time, really).

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