So today was a bit weird...
I woke up at 6. Not an issue hung out under the covers until about 7 when my parents started bugging me. I can't remember what I was thinking about but I was very distinctly awake for that period. Then until about 9 I was in and out of consciousness. I remember forming thoughts, and I can remember my train of thought, but it was distinctly interrupted by sleeping. As a result I decided to skip my first two naps of the day.
And I felt great all day. Actually fantastic. No signs of sleep deprivation, even though I didn't even eat breakfast (mostly because I forgot). Then I went to hang out with some friends, then to some holiday parties, and home. And I really can't get over how great I feel. Leading up to my big sleep, I'm actually a little worried I won't be able to fall asleep on time. We'll see what happens with that.
Alertness: Very good after I finally got up. As in absurdly good. I spent a lot of the day worried that I was delusional, but looking back it was clearly just a really great day.
Memory: Great. I remembered where people lived, who their names were, and what my schedule was after Christmas. I call that a success.
Initiative: Far above average. I was out and about for almost 12 hours today.
Sociability: Really good. I find I'm much more awake when I'm around people I like talking to about random things. My mom is fine company, but not someone I seek out when I want to have fun. Friends fill this gap very effectively, and today I went out to take care of this.
Probably something I should note: I feel like I have an accelerated heart rate. Though the holiday party food could have something to do with this, it could be the sleep. I'll keep an eye on this and think it is something I should write down, just in case.
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