Thursday, November 1, 2012

Need to Stop Procrastinating

Says the kid writing up a blog post...

But actually my procrastination has gotten pretty bad recently. This is exactly the time when I don't want to be procrastinating. I have a big paper due on Monday that I haven't even started and a midterm on Friday that I'm not prepared for at all. Analysis is only getting harder and harder and I don't know if I can keep with with my SOSC reading with all of this going on. To top it all off I've gotten really stressed about my future in the past week.

It's not a good feeling at all. The worst part: I'm perpetually tired. And not even from a lack of sleep. I've been sleeping plenty. I've been getting some exercise. I've done most of my work. And except for my recent surge in self-resentment and worrying I've been a pretty happy person. I've even been healthy and avoided getting sick. But if left to my own devices I would probably sleep for about 10 hours every night if I could.

In short, I'm not happy with myself. With Fall Formal tomorrow night and a football game on Saturday I have no time to waste. I can't imagine what life will be like when baseball starts up. Maybe then I'll convince myself to go into the library and actually get work done. Instead of blogging and spending all my time thinking of ways to procrastinate.

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