Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Good Day Yesterday

First, if anyone reading this knows Haskell and would like to explain why my program doesn't work, that would be much appreciated.

Yesterday was a pretty good day. Class was meh but done by 10:30. I got a lot of work done and studied pretty effectively for my computer science midterm today. My math problem set looks really easy. I even got a reasonable amount of sleep.

But there are two big reasons why yesterday was a good day. The first is that I ordered a new phone and signed up for a new service. If you don't know about it, I really recommend checking out republic wireless. Basically, if you're willing to go for a weaker, older Android phone but want to save a bunch of money, this is the thing to do. I ordered the single-band version because I don't want to wait for the double-band, despite the greater coverage. Anyway, I've been on the waitlist for a while and it feels good to finally place my order.

The other good thing was that Barack Obama was just reelected to be President of the United States. I can't say I'm really into politics like some people, but I was very surprised that the election was decided in one night. I thought it would be closer (aka I thought Romney would win Ohio + Florida and there would be a recount). I'm just glad that nightmare is over and I can get back to watching football without the annoying political ads.

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