Tuesday, November 27, 2012

On the Subject of Infinite Work

It's that time of season here in Chicago. The leaves have left the trees. The temperature has dropped. The days are shorter. And UChicago students huddle down in preparation for finals and midterms.

I, for one, embrace the new weather. It gives me the chance to sit my butt down and get some work done. But the problem is that our professors also think like this. And so we, the students, are left with almost infinite work. Now, it's not that bad. I could stay up all night tonight and tomorrow and the day after and have a chance at getting all my work done, but that won't happen. Instead I'll have to half-ass it because the quarter just goes by too fast.

I really wanted to get in a workout a day. But that just won't happen. I've come up with a pretty good modification that makes it work: every night that I go to sleep before midnight, I'll wake up at 7 for a workout. At this point, that means I won't ever be working out. But I won't feel so bad about it either.

I have to finish this 6 page essay tonight. Then I have a math problem set due Wednesday. Also on Wednesday is a math midterm. Wednesday at midnight I have computer science lab due. Next monday I have a book review due on a book I haven't started yet because I've been working on other assignments. Thankfully the libraries are open late.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Workout Regimen

Yeah, not a great update, but whatever. I've decided to work out every weekday morning. Not a big deal, but because I've written it on the internet I have to follow through.

Goals: get in shape. I have to recover from my injuries (ankle still not at 100% yet) so this isn't as trivial of a task as it sounds.

Schedule: 7:00-8:00 at least, every day before class. This includes stretching, meaning I will almost certainly go past 8:00. That's fine, but I want an hour workout a day to be a minimum.

Following my rough workout schedule from high school, and based on which classes I'm willing to be tired in, I have constructed the following workout plan:

Monday: core/arms. Why not start the week with something lighter? Core can mean a lot, and this gives me a chance to start the week however I feel that day. Arms mostly because I need to do them some day.

Tuesday: baseball activities. I will split up this into two categories: throwing and general. Tuesdays will probably be throwing focused. I need to re-learn how to throw. This is a pretty light workout but a very important one, so I'm putting it on my longest day of the week (with computer science lab due at midnight and math due the next day) to make sure I can focus through the whole day.

Wednesday: back/shoulders. Tuesdays are long nights, so I'll go for a little lighter of a workout. Also makes me reinforce my baseball exercises and builds up throwing strength.

Thursday: baseball activities. Focused on whatever I want to do that day. Hitting and throwing are the only two I can think of right now, though.

Friday: legs. Again, reinforcing my baseball exercises with muscle workouts the next day. I'm not the guy who can do legs forever, so this will include a lot of running/biking/box jumps.

We'll see how long I can keep up this regimen. I might have to update to keep myself motivated.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Good Day Yesterday

First, if anyone reading this knows Haskell and would like to explain why my program doesn't work, that would be much appreciated.

Yesterday was a pretty good day. Class was meh but done by 10:30. I got a lot of work done and studied pretty effectively for my computer science midterm today. My math problem set looks really easy. I even got a reasonable amount of sleep.

But there are two big reasons why yesterday was a good day. The first is that I ordered a new phone and signed up for a new service. If you don't know about it, I really recommend checking out republic wireless. Basically, if you're willing to go for a weaker, older Android phone but want to save a bunch of money, this is the thing to do. I ordered the single-band version because I don't want to wait for the double-band, despite the greater coverage. Anyway, I've been on the waitlist for a while and it feels good to finally place my order.

The other good thing was that Barack Obama was just reelected to be President of the United States. I can't say I'm really into politics like some people, but I was very surprised that the election was decided in one night. I thought it would be closer (aka I thought Romney would win Ohio + Florida and there would be a recount). I'm just glad that nightmare is over and I can get back to watching football without the annoying political ads.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Need to Stop Procrastinating

Says the kid writing up a blog post...

But actually my procrastination has gotten pretty bad recently. This is exactly the time when I don't want to be procrastinating. I have a big paper due on Monday that I haven't even started and a midterm on Friday that I'm not prepared for at all. Analysis is only getting harder and harder and I don't know if I can keep with with my SOSC reading with all of this going on. To top it all off I've gotten really stressed about my future in the past week.

It's not a good feeling at all. The worst part: I'm perpetually tired. And not even from a lack of sleep. I've been sleeping plenty. I've been getting some exercise. I've done most of my work. And except for my recent surge in self-resentment and worrying I've been a pretty happy person. I've even been healthy and avoided getting sick. But if left to my own devices I would probably sleep for about 10 hours every night if I could.

In short, I'm not happy with myself. With Fall Formal tomorrow night and a football game on Saturday I have no time to waste. I can't imagine what life will be like when baseball starts up. Maybe then I'll convince myself to go into the library and actually get work done. Instead of blogging and spending all my time thinking of ways to procrastinate.