Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Early Morning Student

Welcome to the early morning student's blog! I will go through each of these words in reverse order to give you an idea of what this blog will be about.

First of all, the word "blog." This is a blog, short for weblog. It is here that I will I write down the interesting happenings of my days for all the world to see. But why would I want to do that? Because everyone wants to know what it's like to be a college student. I am no longer wondering, but I know I did in my high school days.

That brings me to "student." I am currently a first year student at the University of Chicago, the place where "fun comes to die." Pretty much my entire life I've thought of myself as a student before anything else in my life. I'm not the early morning baseball player (though I do that sometimes) or the early morning stretcher (though I do that every morning), or even the early morning Rubik's cube solver (though I do that more than once every morning). I am a college student, here to share with you all my joys and pains of university life. I realize I am starting this blog about more than halfway through my first quarter (actually, we are getting close to finals at this point), but better late than never, right?

But why the "early morning" student? Why not the sleepy student? The basic answer is I like mornings. I can't stand waking up late. If I don't get something done in the morning I spend the rest of the day lost and confused. A productive morning lets you slack off when you really want to. At some point you have to face facts: you want to slack off later in the day more than you do in the morning. I don't like to fight this urge, so I chose to get as much out of the way as possible in the mornings. I get more done in the day and I'm fully awake for my first class. What's not to like?

I do other things. Waking up early is not the only thing I do. I made the baseball team here at UChicago as a walk-on pitcher, so my next two quarters will be a little bit full. I also solve Rubik's cubes and similar twisty puzzles. I have a passion for American history, and most of my free time reading is spent on the subject. I play board games quite a bit here in my dorm, and much more at home. I am learning how to do basic programming late at night thanks to (my addiction to) iTunesU. But more of this will come later.

Academically I have yet to find a subject I haven't enjoyed. UChicago has a notoriously rigorous and expansive core, and I will spend my first two years here completing those requirements. You're probably interested to see my schedule for the quarter, so I took the liberty of attaching it here. Unfortunately because of my physics lab I could not get a schedule of all-morning classes. Despite that, I am very happy with my schedule (insert a Weight Training class at 11:30 - 12:20 on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday):

I wake up at 6:28 every morning to get to my class across the street. I am the early morning student. This is my blog.

(hope I'm not violating some copyright or anything with the University of Chicago logo on the side there...)

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