Saturday, May 4, 2013

It's the Little Things

It's been a very long time since I've posted, but that's because a lot has been happening.

First the disappointments: that math midterm a few weeks ago went absolutely horribly, I have a nerve contusion that is keeping me from throwing a baseball, and I was not chosen to be an RA next year. I'm particularly upset about the RA situation because that was something I was really looking forward to doing, but I guess now I'll just have a lot more free time than I had planned on next year. Also, I will still help out with Orientation regardless, so I'll still feel helpful.

The successes outweigh the failures. Well the one success: I will be an intern with Major League Baseball's Commissioner's Office this summer. It happened right when I thought I wouldn't be able to find a job for the summer, so that was both exciting and relieving. I already have housing reserved in New York, and I cannot wait for summer to start. I also had my first non-phone interview (well, if you don't count video chatting as a phone) and they had me solve a Rubik's cube at the beginning. Apparently quite a few people watched, making this the first time I've ever solved a cube for someone over video. The solve was pretty bad (I thought they were joking when they mentioned it before so I wasn't really prepared). Actually, it was acceptable until I got a Ua PLL. That 1.5 second algorithm took closer to 10, and I've been practicing it at every opportunity since then. Next time someone asks, I'll be prepared!

As for the post title, I recently jailbroke (jailbreaked?) my iPod, and it was the best thing I've done with it since I bought it. Apple really does a great job with it's products, and it's always the little things that impress: uniform icon sizes, a responsive UI, the very nice notification center, etc. But there are things that I would like to have. For example, I don't want to be restricted to Apple's folder size limit, or be forced to deal with 12-15 default apps that I never use. So I fixed that, and I love it. It's still the same amazing core features, but it's the little things that make it so much better now. I love how the Calendar app displays the current date, and with a jailbroken device you can do the same with the weather (and clock, but I don't use that). I can remove app names and don't have to follow Apple's forced grid placement. And I can hide those pesky system apps.

It's been a long few weeks, but it's only 5 more till the end of the quarter.

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