Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Obligatory Birthday Post

I should be writing a paper. And getting my computer science lab done. But why do that when I can blog?

Today is my 20th birthday, and that means very little to me. I prefer to celebrate every 1000 days rather than every 365.25. But society tells me that I should celebrate, so I did. I did some homework last night, I'll do some homework tonight, and I'll go to baseball practice and run some. Tomorrow I'll finish my paper and go to an info session on becoming an RA. If that's not celebrating, I don't know what is!

Actually, though, I'm celebrating by having some leftover soda from the Super Bowl party. I haven't had soda this whole quarter, so it is something of a big deal. Also related to food: I have eaten 3 full meals a day on almost 90% of days in school this year. Again, might not seem like a big thing, but that's something I've tried hard to improve on from last year.

I know I haven't addressed my workout schedule at all since, well, a long time ago. Now that baseball has started up I only give myself the option of working out on Thursdays (no practice) or Saturdays (might as well be no practice sometimes). My arm seems to be in pretty good shape but my ankle and legs still aren't 100% yet, which is very disappointing. Still, it's a big improvement from last year and I should be ready to go by the time games start up.

Till next time.

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