#!/usr/bin/python # Simon Swanson # baseball-reference.Extraction.py import sys import re import urllib2 from string import lowercase from bs4 import BeautifulSoup # takes in a letter of the alphabet and passes that to a URL containing all baseball players whose last names starts with the given letter def url_info(char): '''Opens the correct URLs then delegates work to other functions to get player information.''' req = urllib2.urlopen('http://www.baseball-reference.com/players/%s' % char) f = req.read() req.close() info_name = {} soup = BeautifulSoup(f, 'lxml') # lines with boldface are famous and/or active players boldface = soup.find_all('b') for line in boldface: if line.find(text=re.compile(r'\s+\d+-201[12]')): link = line.a['href'] if link: req = urllib2.urlopen('http://www.baseball-reference.com%s' % link) f = req.read() req.close() soup = BeautifulSoup(f, 'lxml') player = player_info(soup) player_name = player[0] # if the name already exists, add an underscore to the end of the name if player_name in info_name.keys(): player_name = player_name + '_' info_name[player_name] = (player[1], player[2], player[3]) print player_name return info_name def player_info(html): '''Gets the players name, age, postition eligibility, and statistics. Returns a tuple.''' # default values in case something goes wrong player_name = 'Unknown' age = None positions = [] stats = [] info_name = {} # gets fielding information only from 2012 to determine position eligibility (10+ games at the position previous year) fielding = html.find_all(onclick='sumSpan(this);', id='2012:standard_fielding') for lines in fielding: games = lines.find_all('td', align='right') line = lines.find_all('td', align='left') # age can also be found in this fielding section. problematic if player didn't play in 2012, so I have a more complicated check below age = int(games[0].string) if int(games[1].string) >= 10: positions.append(str(line[3].string)) # for cases where the player didn't play the field and/or doesn't have a position from 2012, I refer to baseball-reference.com's position (which is wrong in several cases, but at least gives me something to work with) if not positions: get_line = re.search(r'Positions?:([\w, ]+)\n', str(html)) positions = position_info(get_line.group(1)) # from the position I can find the appropriate stats (because there are no pitcher/fielders in the game today except in 20-0 blowouts) if positions[0] == 'P': stats = pitcher_info(html) else: stats = batter_info(html) # player's name is in the first h1 tag player_name = html.h1.string # verifies that the player has an age if not age: tag = html.find('span', id='necro-birth') dob = tag['data-birth'] age = 2013 - int(dob[:4]) return (player_name, age, positions, stats) # simple extraction of batting stats (24 per year), puts into list def batter_info(html): '''Gets all batter stats.''' batting_stats = [] hitting = html.find_all('tr', class_='full', id=re.compile(r'batting_standard\.\d+')) if not hitting: batting_stats = pitching_stats(html) # excludes first element of the list because it's the player's age for each year (which I have more efficienty ways of getting) for lines in hitting: stats = lines.find_all('td', align='right')[1:] for stat in stats: stat = stat.string # sometimes there isn't a stat for something, and baseball-reference just leaves it blank if not stat: stat = 0 batting_stats.append(float(stat)) return batting_stats # simple extraction of pitching stats (29 per year). Pitchers are more likely to succumb to the None value in their stats (more ratios) and can even have inf ratio values def pitcher_info(html): '''Gets all statistics for pitchers.''' pitching_stats = [] pitching = html.find_all('tr', class_='full', id=re.compile(r'pitching_standard\.\d+')) if not pitching: return ['0'] for lines in pitching: stats = lines.find_all('td', align='right')[1:] for stat in stats: stat = stat.string if not stat: stat = 0 # it is possible to have a pitcher stat be divided by 0 in some extreme cases. 1000 seems like a punishable enough number to work with if stat == 'inf': stat = 1000 pitching_stats.append(float(stat)) return pitching_stats # figures out what's in the baseball-reference.com position list def position_info(pos): '''If the position was not available before, matches with positions listed at the top of the page.''' positions = [] position_dict = {'Pitcher': 'P', 'Catcher': 'C', 'First Baseman': '1B', 'Second Baseman': '2B', 'Third Baseman': '3B', 'Shortstop': 'SS', 'Outfielder': 'OF', 'Leftfielder': 'LF', 'Centerfielder': 'CF', 'Rightfielder': 'RF', 'Designated Hitter': 'DH'} # loops through the dict to try and match the key with the string of positions for key in position_dict: if key in pos: positions.append(position_dict[key]) # some people just don't have a real position (pinch runner, etc.) and get the unknown label if not positions: return ['Unknown'] return positions # passes each letter of the alphabet to url_info def main(): '''Gets the information from every active major league baseball player, returned as a dictionary to a file.''' args = lowercase output = open('/Users/Swanson/Programs/Python/All_Player_Information.txt', 'w') info = [] s = '' # adds all the separate dictionaries to a list as strings for further use for arg in args: info.append(str(url_info(arg))) print 'Finished with letter %s!\n' % arg # makes it all one big string to operate on for players in info: s += players # replaces all the dictionary separators to make one large dictionary s = s.replace('}{}{', ', ').replace('}{', ', ') output.write(s) output.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
Friday, January 18, 2013
First Two Weeks
I just realized I haven't posted in a while. Not that anything really exciting has happened. Classes started up and are taking up time like only classes can. Most of my time recently has been spent on fantasy baseball, though. Below is the code I use to get information on every active major league player. Once baseball practice starts up I might have more to say here.
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