Unlike my childhood hero, Garfield the cat, I love Mondays. Or at least most Mondays. This Monday was a good Monday. Classes were interesting, food at the dining halls was good, I've finally gotten rid of my cough, and I found out how to (possibly illegally) get my old GameBoy games onto my computer. Not that I really have time to play them right now, but I certainly look forward to having some free time. Whenever that may be.
A few things have happened in my life recently. First, I joined a fantasy baseball league. It's just an in-dorm league so we're pretty casual about it, but it forces me to follow baseball like I haven't for many years. I remember when I would open every morning with the daily Garfield and a scan of the baseball box scores. Those were the good old days: I was far too young to worry about the world and was able to just sit around the house listening to the radio and reading. Now I go to the internet for my daily source of news thanks to resources like Reddit and Google Reader. More and more often I find myself looking back at my days regretting not being more productive.
I only have to look back about 12 months to see myself as the hyper-productive person that I wish I could be now. With Constitution Team finishing up its preparations for nationals and baseball in full swing (not to mention preparations for AP tests and the end of high school) I was busy somewhere between 15 and 18 hours a day. Somehow I managed the sleep and still have time to plow through every Mystery Science Theater ever made in about 5 months, though I fully admit to a large crash in the summer. Even more amazing was that this wasn't my busiest time of the year; it's just the most recent example.
Though I've recovered from my polyphasic experiment and look forward to attempting it again soon, I am having issues sleeping. It seems my body just doesn't want to sleep the correct amount: I either sleep too little and feel miserable all day or sleep far too much and am restless all day. Today was a good day in part because I slept just the right amount.
And as a result, I am a very happy Monday student! The baseball team also did well this weekend down in St. Louis, which means that we theoretically have a shot at the postseason now (however slim those chances may be). Next week will be difficult with a calculus midterm on Monday, and humanities paper due Wednesday, and a physics midterm on Friday. But the week after is the great University of Chicago Scavenger Hunt, and that's enough to bring up anyone's spirits.
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