Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter (Student)!

I don't really know what to say here. It's been a long time since my last update and this update will not be particularly long. Baseball eats away my free time like no other. It's a lot of fun to be at the games, but sometimes it's just too much to do anything else. Still, the fun outweighs everything else, and soon the traveling team will be taking off and I will have free days. Not sure if I'm looking forward to that or not. The team has done pretty well so far, but defense has been something of an issue for us. In that way games proceed very similarly to the way that they did in high school. Except that in high school I was good enough to get on the field.

My sleep, despite my busy schedule, has skyrocketed. I'm getting a full 7-8 hours of sleep every night. Honestly I don't know how to feel about that. I would love to sleep less, but with my slight temperature all of last week and baseball I try to max out my sleep. However, I am on an early riser program, which for me means that I get up at 6:28 AM whenever I can. Reason for that time? Well, 6 is the first perfect number and 28 is the next. What better way to start the day than perfectly? What is unfortunate is that the dining hall is not open that early, so I don't have as much motivation to get up as I would like. I like the schedule, though, as it keeps me on top of my work (what else am I going to do that early?).

Speaking of work, I'm not sure what to think of it. There's as much of it as I want there to be, I guess. Which is a fair bit, but I leave time to work on learning Python. It's going fairly well, but not as well as I would like. The hope is to take some computer science classes next year, and I want some programming background for that (and other things, but that's my short-term rationale).

And in weird people news, I turned 1 kiloweek old yesterday. 7 kilodays. 70 hectadays. 700 dekadays. 7000 days. 1000 weeks. And I still got it.

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