Monday, January 16, 2012

The Three Day Weekend

So it doesn't happen very often, but we got a three day weekend because of Martin Luther King, Jr. day. Actually, it happens once per year. But having the three day weekend feels like it only happens once in a lifetime. Still, it has been an interesting past few days.

First off, we got our first significant snowfall of the year! It wasn't too much, but it's still on the ground so it does the job. This led to a few interesting developments. The first was Sno-BQ. Snell and Hitchcock houses have a tradition of a barbecue on the first significant snow of the year, which happened to be on Thursday. I might have taken it a little too seriously, but I figured I should go in appropriate barbecue clothing. And what do you wear to a barbecue? Shorts, Hawaiian shirt, flip flops, baseball cap, and sunglasses. Right? Well, it was about 25 degrees out and pretty windy. It got a little chilly there at the end, but overall wasn't too bad. I just hung out near the fire and stayed warm like that. I apologize for the picture quality, but with the lighting that's probably the best we could pull off. Yup, that's how I roll.

Also, the NFL playoffs are pretty ridiculous right now. Mostly blowouts, but some are really interesting games. Tebow over the Steelers last week was pretty impressive. But Alex Smith and the 49ers taking on the Saints like that was absolutely incredible. The last 5 minutes of that game involved almost continuous shouting and screaming in the rec room.

But more important than all of that is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday. There is a generational gap now: we weren't born in the 60's or 70's. My generation can't appreciate all that he did. It is something that we will never fully understand, but we can continue to honor him. And I hope people don't forget that while, yes, this does mean a day off of school, it also means something much than just a day to sleep in.

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