Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Productive Student

This won't be a very long entry, but I feel like I have to write it out. Knowing me, 10000 words will follow...

The sleep schedule might have adjusted itself. Today I woke up on my own after about 3 hours instead of my alarmed 4 hour setting. My naps were significantly shorter than 20 minutes each. After my mid-afternoon nap went for only 7 minutes (between peeking at the clock, so closer to 5), but I was so awake and ready to go that I just got up. This is polyphasic sleep at its best: super productive, boosted energy, and, most importantly, more time to do other things. I knocked out all my hum and civ reading for the rest of week, and I might start on my calculus homework after I'm done with this entry. Everybody in my dorm is asleep right now. At home that seems normal to me: in high school I was consistently up later than everybody else by a rather significant margin. But here it's bizarre. The tea room (the name of the common room) is always occupied when I'm awake, except occasionally in the morning. But that was last quarter's data. This quarter it seems to be empty for quite a few of my waking hours.

So what am I doing with all this time? I went to a Chicago Bulls game, of course. The dorm got tickets for cheap, and so some friends and I decided to go. It was a good game until about halfway through the 4th quarter, when Chicago pulled ahead of the Pistons and ended up winning but a pretty significant margin. The most memorable moment for me happened during the entirety of the 2nd quarter. Two drunk girls showed up late and took the seats next to me.

These girls came to the game drunk and managed to fall down trying to get themselves to their seats. It would have been really funny if they hadn't been holding (more) beer. It was a little messy. Then one of them started dropping her camera. I say started because in the span of about 5 minutes she had dropped it twice under the seat of the man in front of us, causing a huge commotion to get it back. She kept offering me her beer because she couldn't remember that I was underage. Coupled with some rather awkward conversations about college life (they had just graduated) and how it is perfectly normal to get hammered on weeknights (sooooo many details) I had a very entertaining quarter. However, they didn't come back after the half. I have two theories: they were escorted off the premises or decided to go somewhere else to drink some more. Great times.

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