Friday, December 14, 2012

Winter Break

I'm not really sure how that math final went. I know I got the last question wrong. Otherwise, I just don't know.

On the bright side, I'm done for the quarter! I already have my SOSC grade, I have my raw grade for computer science, and I have no idea what's happening with math or history. On the plus side, I get to go home and forget about it all.

I need this break. With school there's been little time to work out, and even the time I set aside for going to the gym just isn't enough. I'm going to be hitting the gym hard this break. My wrist has started bothering me again (and I can't figure out why) and my ankle makes these great cracking noises sometimes, but I think I'm mostly recovered from whatever was bothering me before. So I can start running, jumping, and lifting. Of course I won't push it too hard, but I think I need to get something done.

I also want to learn Python over break. Not all of it, of course, but a good deal of it. The debate was Java, C, or Python, and since we're doing C and Python in class next quarter, I figured I'd get started on one of them early. I decided to go with Python because it's supposed to be simpler. And most people recommend Python over other languages for beginners. Surprisingly, I've come to really like Haskell as a language. But as someone with very little experience in other languages, I can't really say anything worth listening to, and I should probably learn another one soon.

I also want to learn some math over break. This quarter was really a struggle for me, so I need to get as much of a head start as possible on the next quarter.

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