And I'm already behind on my sleep. Honestly I didn't think a class could be so much work. But computer science eats away at my time like a fat man at the hot dog eating contest: passionately and without remorse until he throws up all over the place and is disqualified. That pretty much sums up my quarter so far. I'm constantly behind in my work and I don't think I'll ever catch up.
My first paper for SOSC (Classics of Social and Political Thought) was due on Tuesday. That ate up quite a bit of my time that I could have spent working on math homework or my computer science lab. Staying up late working on those has caused me to fall behind on my studying for my math final, which is now infringed upon by my daily computer science homework and rather insane amount of reading.
Some of my reading I know I can't do, but I've been trying my hardest to get all my SOSC done. I want to read Plato and be able to say that I've read Plato, but so far I've managed only about 5 out of the 8 books of the Republic that I was supposed to read. Now let's see if I can get my math done in time for me to get some sleep.
Oh, yeah, and fall baseball has started up.
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