Monday, August 27, 2012

Upping the Ante

I've been going on as close to 8 hours of sleep as I can for quite a while now. And it's been working out great! My weekend "sleep till I wake" strategy has done a wonderful job of making up for hours or half-hours that I didn't get on sleep. On days like today, where I stayed up extra late but didn't have any other sleep to catch up on, I slept almost exactly 8.5 hours. That feels pretty good.

So I've decided to try and get my sleep down to between 7 and 7.5 hours a night using the same strategy. As I've said several times before, my goal is to cut down on the total time that I waste sleeping, no matter how good it may feel. I think 7 should be achievable, especially with my weekend budget. Still, it won't be pleasant for a while, but at this point I'm getting used to that transition period. I can't decide if this means that I'll be going to sleep later or waking up earlier. At school my girlfriend prefers to stay up later, so I'm pretty certain that's the way it will work out.

Some other cool stuff has happened recently. First off, I started my Pokemon Crystal nuzlocke run. You can click on the tab titled "My YouTube Channel" to see the videos that I've done so far.

My friend Cole just got back in town, and we've made up for some lost time by cramming in some board game time. He recently purchased Eclipse (no, not the Twilight movie) for over $100. I love me a good board game, but I can't imagine shelling out that kind of money just yet. We're also working hard on making bad food a reality. I won't give away too much but let's just say it'll be big.

Finally, my love of MST3K took me to a movie in the park last night. And it was fantastic. They showed Gamera vs. Zigra. A classic tale of terror and heroics, it kept me laughing to the end. The best part was that they had a live orchestra, live voice actors, and even live sound effects right there. Unfortunately I didn't get any video of it, but these guys come out and dub old foreign films for fun. It's not quite MST3K because they actually stick to the script, but it was amazing. Cole and I both wanted to get the guys from MST3K and have a live riff track also. The way they had it all set up the silhouettes could even show up! It's been a great time having Cole back in town, even though our schedules don't always line up the best.

Here is the website for that movie group. If you have the chance give them some support!

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