Sunday, February 26, 2012

Taxes(!) and Other

So my last stressful week came and went, and now I can prepare for finals. Or I can take some time for myself. The latter sounds so much more attractive right now. But taxes are worse than either option. Easily. My parents just shipped me my tax information. Whee! Ideologically, I love taxes. Government can't run without money. But in practice I hate taxes. Thankfully my dad's around to help me figure it all out, but in general it is just a giant pain in the rear. Last year I ended up paying a grand total of $8 in taxes. What's even the point of me giving money? It probably cost the country more than $8 to have someone look over my information. But taxes have to get done. So that's what I'm doing tonight.

In some other news, I've become a huge fan of Led Zeppelin recently. And by huge fan, I mean that I am listening to Led Zeppelin IV over and over. I appreciate their other stuff, but when it comes to choosing songs, there is no competition (except for maybe Kashmir).

I've registered for classes next quarter. It looks like they'll be almost exactly the same as this quarter. But there's a class on baseball that I would like to take if at all possible. We'll see how that works out. Based on what others have told me, lots of people are trying to take that class. Oh, well. There's only so much I can do about that: I can try to register for the class and that's it.

Speaking of baseball, Saturday is our first game! It looks like the whole team is going down to Springfield for a doubleheader for a day trip. I'm looking forward to it. Considering I probably won't be playing, I look forward to warming up pitchers in the bullpen and keeping score. If I'm lucky, I'll get to take a bunch of pictures, but that could be a bit optimistic. Regardless, I'm really excited.

And finally, though I haven't been playing board games or solving cubes at all recently, I have rediscovered my 8th and 9th grade obsession with Super Smash Bros. Melee. This could be a problem, but thankfully I don't have constant access to a GameCube here (yet). I played something like 40 hours a week in my prime and showed some withdrawal symptoms when I forced myself to stop. I got pretty good at it and I wonder if my fingers can keep up with what my brain wants it to do. Way back when I could almost do this (separately, no problem; put together as a smooth string of attacks, difficult): How Fast is Melee?. I'm reading up on frame data right now because I don't want to do taxes yet...

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