Thursday, May 22, 2014


Well, the season didn't end as well as it could've, but at least it's over. Now I get to focus on all that schoolwork that I put off until now... It's going to be a fun couple of weeks here.

The season came down to 2 things: walks and catching. I walked too many people, and it came back to bite me. I think every batter I walked scored eventually. That's not a good ratio. I still ended up with a sub-4 ERA on the year, and hopefully I come back throwing harder next year. Catching, however, takes the cake as the greatest part of the season. I got to catch. I got to start at catcher. I got an at bat. Hell, I got up to the plate twice. Was I productive? Not at the plate. But behind the plate I was the team's best receiver (so modest) and threw out 2/4 runners. It was pretty great.

But the postseason is here, and it's time to say goodbye to all the times I spent mindlessly spitting seeds in the dugout. It's time to get to work, both physically and mentally. I have put my offseason weightlifting program into motion, and even though it's very basic I want to keep it up at least until I arrive at Palantir for the summer. It's pretty simple: hit every big body part once per week. Legs, arms, shoulders, chest, back, and abs. One day is dedicated to explosive movements like cleans. 7 workouts in 7 days. Perfect.

But schoolwork will be the death of me. I've put off most of my work until now, and I'm starting to feel the pressure. German will be German and I'll do fine. But for my other 3 classes, I'm going to have to hunker down in the library pretty much every day for a few hours and put in some serious work. It's a little worrying, but I'm sure it'll work out in the end. After all, I have all of 1.5 weeks to get all that studying done.