This is the first time I've had to wear a dress shirt every day. In fact, it might be the first time I've ever worn a dress shirt all day. It's an interesting experience. I don't like the top button, but thankfully there are no ties in the Office of the Commissioner. No jackets, either, which I have mixed feelings about. I love the look, and I like the feel of the look, but I don't like the feel. Suit jackets are just that little bit awkward. That little bit stiff right in the wrong places (like trying to reach for something and noticing the should doesn't even go to 90 degrees). That little bit too flexible in the wrong places (like trying to reach for something and watch the lapel ride up). And, since this is the summer in New York, that little bit too warm. I actually love how warm suit jackets are, but only in the winter. In a muggy city like this: no thanks.
I thought I'd see more white shirts here. Instead it's almost entirely blue. Like amazingly blue. Incredibly blue. Noticing the non-blue shirts is sort of obsession of mine now, so I started counting today. Women don't count because they almost always wear black or white shirts. Come to think of it, I've never seen a woman wearing a blue shirt. Maybe the blue shirt is a sign of manliness? I never thought of faded/light blue that way.
My blue shirt watching from walking to and from work today:
Estimated people seen total: ~1000
Non-blue shirts: ~300 (it's hard to count that high)
Tune in next time for another exciting adventure