So winter quarter ended and spring break is coming to a close, so I thought I could contribute a little to the blog. The quarter was very stressful (hence the lack of posts), but I made it through. Funnily enough it was my best academic quarter ever, though that may be more of a result of the amount of work I had to put in to stay alive in my classes. I also got my first A ever in a course! I definitely deserved 3, but I'll take whatever they give me.
Both quarters this year I've had to bite the bullet on one of either computer science or real analysis. Full effort in both classes takes between 15 and 20 hours per week, which is far too much. Last quarter I poured my effort into analysis, this quarter into computer science (though I would have preferred the analysis grade). I guess that's just how the world works. Biology was a cakewalk - I studied for the quizzes the class before. And SOSC is a paper-writing class, which means that I will get a good grade but not a great one. Easily the most stressful quarter I've had so far, but maybe my most productive.
But after all that hell, I got to go to Florida! It was a great trip for me, though the team didn't do as well as we could have. I still have a shiny 0.00 ERA, but I've only thrown 4 innings. Still, I got tan and was able to spend a full week away from school. I even have a decent tan (on my face). Still, it was a great time with the guys and I'm looking forward to spring quarter.